Stratford Historical Society and Museum

News from the Stratford Historical Society and Museum, in Stratford, Gippsland, Victoria. We are open Tuesdays from 10am to 3pm, and the fourth Sunday of the month from 2pm to 4pm. Our postal address is P.O. Box 145, Stratford, 3862.

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Horses to Horsepower


Following our highly successful day last year, Stratford and District Historical Society, again presents Horses to Horsepower

This will be held Sunday 20 October 2013 at Pine Lodge Reserve, Llowalong Road, Stratford, from 10am to 4pm. 

The displays and demonstrations of Gippsland farming practices of yesteryear will include working horses ploughing and harrowing, display of harness horses and restored carriages. The vintage tractors will also be returning. These are complemented by demonstrations of working yard dogs, with cross cut sawing and wood chopping, sheep shearing (blade and modern) wool spinning and heritage knitting. 

A feature will be hand milking and cheese making demonstrations. 

Morning and afternoon teas will be available, plus a light lunch and BBQ, all in a relaxing atmosphere to reminisce. Entry is $5 a head with primary students free, for a wonderful, family-friendly day. 


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